Universal Staffing Solutions, Inc. Helping Your Business Grow
5701 Truxtun Ave. Suite 220 Bakersfield, Ca. 93309 Tel: 661-432-7710 Fax: 661-432-7530
Frequently Asked Questions
Please call our Human Resources Department at 661-432-7710 for more information or email us at info@ustaffingservice.com
How will I be paid after accepting a Job assignment with Universal Staffing Solutions?
As an employee of Universal Staffing Solutions, paydays are Fridays from 8:00am to 5:30pm; please note this may change during a holiday week. For a fast and efficient process, time cards must be turned in no later than 12:00pm on Monday afternoon and we also offer direct deposit to all employees.
How do I turn in hours I worked?
All employees are required to submit a copy of their time card. There are two carbon copies attached to the original time card. The original should be given to Universal Staffing Solutions and one is for you to keep for your records. You may submit it in person or fax to 661-432-7710 or email to payroll@ustaffingservice.com
How do I get more time cards?
Please come into our office and we will provide them to you during business hours which are Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m.
What do I do if I am sick or unable to report to work?
You are required to call Universal Staffing Solutions immediately at 661-432-7710 We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If its after buisness hours please follow the prompts to reach your dispatcher on their mobile phone. Universal Staffing Solutions would like to inform your supervisor immediately.
Can I have a family member pick up my check?
Yes, please fill out an authorization form and *submit to Universal Staffing Solutions. To download click on the USS icon.
What do I need to do to sign up for direct deposit?
Download the pdf.file direct deposit form and attach a voided check to the direct deposit form or attach your direct deposit form from your bank. We will not accept the form without the printed form from your bank or a voided check.
How do I change the number of withholding allowances on the Form?
Click on the underlined above link and print the form below and *submit to Universal Staffing Solutions.
How do I change my address with Universal Staffing Solutions, Inc.?
Click on the USS icon to Download the pdf. file and print the form and *submit to Universal Staffing Solutions.
*You must submit the form(s) into our offices during normal business hours, please do not email or fax.